Saturday, June 25, 2005

don't you ever feel like some ppl though you have known them for so long, kinda well but you never really talked to them? in a way i feel like i'm making friends with my old friends all over again and it's nice in a way cos though i might have known them from last time, yet in a way both parties have grown and changed and so in a way it's like a new experience for both parties again... and i dunno i kinda like this feeling... and it's nice too cos like there's already this basic 'foundation' in place, yet it's possible to go a step further...
i hope to make my own revolving lamp for my very last art project, but i wonder if it will end up being a total flop cos i have never tried doing anything like that before and am just going to experiment... it will be so cool if i can replicate the image i have in my head. but if not, then i will be screwed! sigh, but i def wun be able to spend the bulk of my weekend fretting over this, cos i have lotsa PEIS readings to do... prepare for finals... only 5 more days of summer sch... so fast..

Friday, June 24, 2005

i guess the issues raised in this article will sound very familiar to many of us at Berkeley?

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

i'm exhausted from the endless assignments and readings i have to do.. i really want to just sleep all day but i'm so torn cos i really do like both my classes... my PEIS instructor is really so good i feel that i'm doing him an injustice by being lazy, by being unable to gain a deeper understanding of my material.. by falling back on my readings... and Art yesterday was so cool; i was really impressed by everyone's projects.. to see so many different manifestations of the same fundamental idea... shall post some pics here.
Even though i'm so busy, i am somewhat reluctant to take too long a break from blogging. it has really become something i'm almost addicted to. why? i'm not sure either. perhaps i just like to hear myself rambling on and on about things that excite me, things that bother me, but fear that no one wants to listen. so if i just blog, ppl have the freedom to choose if they want to read whatever i write (assuming some bored/kpo/amused/concerned individuals out there frequent my blog regularly... =P) while i have the freedom to express myself without being imposing on any particular person...and of course it's nice when your friends leave little msgs from time to time... anyway, here are the pictures, complete with one-liner introduction/commentaries... enjoy.

this, in my opinion, was one of the coolest projects. this girl, a musician, tried to attach strings tied to tubes of paint, to her violin, such that paint would drip onto the canvas as she played...her set-up didn't work very well, but the whole idea was really cool and the resulting piece of art, though totally spontaneous, turned out to be really unique.  Posted by Hello

if i dun say anything, u wouldn't be able to tell that the table is really made of cardboard, and the box, wood. so subtle yet so clever! Posted by Hello

these images were really made by poking needles into the banana skins and leaving them to rot... and u can see the 'aging process' from right to left Posted by Hello

larger-than-life furry veges... some kinda commentary on GM food,, Posted by Hello

Monday, June 20, 2005

after repeated failures, lotsa precious time wasted, i finally came up with my tiny collection of 'fleece tank tops' for my art project... started off destroying my nice towel and making a small towely tank top that i ended up really liking but cannot fit into no matter what; then progressed to making this huge light blue furry one that ended up looking like some sort of animal skin on some ppl... figured those didn't give me the really summery feel i was trying to create.. then i found some cheap fleece and finally created these bright summery ones that aren't very well sewn (cos i was getting backaches sewing and sewing) but good enough to serve my purpose... haha and they look better from afar... i really like the yellow one and the pink toga-looking one in the picture =P hope that the string that i bought from Ace Hardware will allow me to replicate this backyard set-up at the balcony in my Art Room tmr afternoon =) wonder if ppl will get the point though.

my fleece summer collection... Posted by Hello