A fair chunk of my time now is taken up by wedding planning and home stuff! While home stuff has been somewhat lower on the priority list, we may have to gear up and spend more time researching and thinking abt it in the next few weeks as it seems that getting a ID to do up the place will be quite out of budget :( Incentives are not really aligned and IDs obviously propose things that will milk as much money out of us as possible; by 'innocently' inserting unnecessary feature walls for aesthetic effects; recommending "premium" finishes etc etc. After sitting through 2 initial proposals, the scrooge in me is starting to feel very tempted to plan/ design everything ourselves and just get a contractor to do up the place... After all, I think we have decent aesthetic sense and taste; so hopefully things wun go too wrong...
On a more frivolous note, I stumbled across some cute accessories yest when checking out a florist. A vintagey flower ring! Am not quite a ring person, but cldn't resist getting it. :D