Interestingly, there's now such a thing as 'good-as-new' $2 notes, but it seemed rather unpopular with several of the aunties behind me in the queue. When told that there were no brand new $2 notes, all of them decided to only change $10 notes. Seems like for some people (for whatever reason) having a stack of new notes in running serial number order matters. I later also found out through an OCBC info-ad on one of their LED panels that good-as-new notes are apparently more environmentally friendly, since printing so many new notes apparently wastes quite a bit of energy. And probably incurs quite a bit of cost too, though that wasn't highlighted. When it came to my turn, since the good-as-new $2 notes looked relatively new, I happily got those. Can't be bothered to join another 45 min queue to get BRAND NEW but not so environmentally-friendly $2 notes :P