Today I drove myself (and Dad) to Rochester Park and Fort Canning Park :) Have been wanting to check out them out for a while but somehow never got down to doing it. Originally planned to take public transport, but upon declaring my photography plans this morning paranoid parents thought that these places were too ulu for me to explore alone. So in the end Dad offered to be 'guardian'... And I jumped at the opportunity to drive the new car hehe. Well, Dad also brought along his own camera to take pics, but I suppose he wasn't half as 'on' as me and spent most of the time either looking out for me (Dun blindly go onto the road to take pics! he warned repeatedly...) or just sitting around while waiting for me. In the end I didn't really explore Fort Canning Park, but wandered down to the beautiful National Museum instead... Am also rather pleased that I managed to show and convince Dad how lovely the renovated National Museum is; and how he can actually go to many many places in Sg that is not White Sands or Tampines Mall :P
I also realised that there isn't really a lack of pretty places in sg, if one looks hard enough. And that flowers with nice buildings are a lethal combination that makes me swoon... :) I think I managed to snap more than 200 shots this morning, enough for blogging the whole of next week! Here are some highlights....