Sometimes we get so carried away by work or get so affected by work stress that we forget about what really matters. On hindsight, it was great that I had to go for a compulsory retreat on Sun/Mon and just had some time off to myself, with friends... to enjoy nature and simple pleasures around us.
Today a young colleague (yeah i v old already) who just quit Hsg Div (after 6 months) shared that he was gg to take a 2 to 3-mth backpacking trip in South-east Asia... To some extent I admired his courage to just heck-care & explore the world b4 it's too late :P Maybe I should also do that some day. Prob not a 2-3 mth trip though, I suppose it wld be too tiring for my old soul.. heh.
It's now a one-week countdown to my 10-day break in Sydney! Really look forward to doing one of those coastal walks... hopefully I'd also use the break to do some reflection...