Tuesday, November 02, 2004

a sadistic name for a dish

ppl who adore jap food would probably know that oyako don is the chicken and egg donburi thing.... but does anyone know what 'oyako' actually means? i didn't, but was enlightened during jap class today.... while reading one of the tb conversations. and so 'oya' means parent and 'ko' means child... and put them together u get ur oyako don.... well. interesting idea, but not exactly very appropriate for a dish...???

just found out that i got into my washington dc program. somehow i was totally zoned out when reading the email... like somehow it didn't occur to me at that instant that i should be happy.... i wonder why. but i guess i really should be elated cos it really is a good piece of news... i can really forsee myself learning a lot if the prog turns out to be as good as i anticipated it to be... but here comes all the logistics issues and the tedious search for an internship.... i guess it's a little too early to miss ppl? =P

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