Maybe I have tonsilitis
And so the watermelon powder thingy failed me. Woke up this morning with a full blown sore throat... and even after taking my medicine it hasn't shown any signs of getting better... Doesn't help that the doctor whom I saw this morning didn't give me any form of reassurance at all. He somewhat lackadaisically asked me... how long has this been going on? any fever? have you been taking fried, spicy food lately? etc etc. then when I said... it's veyr painful... is it serious? to which he answered, it's probably an infection, but you don't have any fever yet... (so i get the impression it's not serious, though he gave me a cryptic answer).... found it very hard to concentrate with extremely awkward throat so took MC and came back late morning. THEN, later this evening, i started googling for 'tonsilitis' and it appears to describe my symptoms pretty well... esp the bit about finding painful and hard to swallow... yes, I know that it can help me jian3 fei2 (since I either dun feel like eating, or can only eat softer and not so yummy foods), but please go away soon...
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