Of Fort Canning Park and NMS...
This is part (II) of photo outing last last Sat... and the journey begins from the drive up to Fort Canning Park...
Right opposite the first carpark is the back of the National Museum of Singapore (NMS). No idea who decided to plonk this ugly capsicum right in the middle of the grass patch...
The ugly capsicum close-up. Maybe I should give the sculptor some credit for his/her skill in making this public art look REALLY like the real thing :P
If you look to your right instead of looking directly opposite, you'll notice the pretty gothic gate...
Hey this time round I really didn't tilt my photo. How do you tell? The tree is straight.... ;)
If you begin strolling down towards the direction of the NSM 'lawn', you'll pass by some cool flowers...
And a tree with huge buttress roots that double up as some kinda refuge for the miniature shrubs...
And before descending via the most beautiful escalator (MBE) in sg to the front/side entrance of NMS, you'll first notice some sweet orange flowers again... :)
And while on the MBE, you can marvel at how nicely the old NMS building merges into its new extension...
After the short ride down the MBE, I couldn't help but look back at this interesting structure once more :P J-- If you look closely enough, there are pockets of autumn in Singapore too :) But of course, nothing as spectacular as Japan...
There are some funny whiskery purplish flowers at the side of NSM... That was it for the afternoon, cos by then I felt like I was getting a little toasted by the scorching sun! I want 15C weather....
I like that capsicum! Or red pepper, as we say in Japan. :P
Your photos are spectacular enough to make Singapore look like a spectacular "garden city". Have you considered working for STB? Heh. But actually, aren't those red / orange-leafed plants always there?
And by the way, it's 10 deg C here now.
- J
Haha actually I only noticed the red/orange-leafed trees on hindsight... to self-console that there's still some leaf color-variation in seasonless Singapore. In fact, I suspect they have that color all year round haha :P
We can trade temperatures -- You take my 30 C I take your 10C want or not?
Want! I miss heat that doesn't come from burning kerosene....
And why did I get the feeling this post was semi-directed at me haha...
- J
I want to experience the heat that comes from kerosene...
No, why would this post be semi-directed at you... No need to entice you home anyways since you think Japan is overrated :P The autumn is certainly underrated... :)
No I mean all the references to Japan....not the enticing part :P Ok I guess it's just because everyone except me is crazy about Japan. :)
Autumn is rather lovely, but no, you don't want to have your skin shrivelled and your throat constantly dry and a burning heatiness all the time, do you?
- J
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