A banished piece of soap
Most of the FabIndia (it's like a fabric/home furnishing/clothing chain) soaps I got from India were given away as gifts, but also kept a few for myself. Yesterday, I finally decided to use one of them - a Jasmine-scented one. To my mild surprise, the unwrapped version of the soap smelt pretty strong - Jasmine-ish, but perhaps a more "Indian" version of Jasmine bah. Anyways, I thought it was still ok and used it once (only cut one-third of the entire bar for use, since soaps usually get really gross after a while). Unfortunately, the scent emanating from this little piece of soap was so overpowering that sis complained abt faintness when bathing... And 'cos no one was at home when I placed the soap in bathroom, mum and sis were unable to identify the stinky culprit... And mystery was only solved this morning when mum narrated the 'havoc' the innocent piece of soap had created... And so very sadly, this piece of jasmine soap had to go into the rubbish bin. Hmm, I'm wondering what to do with my rose-scented one now :P
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