Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Yay, the long weekend will be here soon!
After a micro/macroeconomics crash course yesterday and today - I feel like I have reabsorbed a teeny bit of econs knowledge... Sadly, many other concepts/ stuff I've learnt are but distant memory :(

Though I still have to work after the course, at least I saw some 'daylight' yesterday, reaching home by 7pm! And I came home yest to a beautiful sunset... Sadly, half the sky had turned dark by the time I whipped out my cam... why is miss sunset so shy...

"Red sky in the evening"

Would also like to share an interesting video on what motivates us - it's something we watched in class yesterday. The arguments are interesting but ideas not entirely ground-shattering lah. But I thought the cartoonist was amazing... :P (bleah, dunno why YouTube video is oversized)


courtney said...

you ever check out the ted videos? i haven't tried watching this past year's conference footage (at the time i looked it hadn't been posted).. but this remains my favorite --

courtney said...

went to the women's conference this year, and inspiring ppl were there... and your quote/expression at the top of your blog captures a lot of what was conveyed at the workshops (attended one with lisa and laura ling re: exper in n. korea)

Mints. said...

Nope i've never checked out any TED video... till now! :P What do you like about the Elizabeth Gilbert one... I find her a bit too "verbose".. and her ideas on creativity are a little too abstract for me :P