Terrible Tuesday
I felt 'weak' at work today :( On some days, my denseness and inability to express thoughts clearly show up very clearly. And with peers and bosses who are the exact opposite, you can't help but feel very small... Then recently I kept getting asked/ questioned on things that ppl assume I should know, but I don't (mostly because I haven't been motivated enough to go read up on all these extra stuff outside working hrs) - then I wonder if i should remain bochap or whether it's worthwhile to be more conscientious about it. So far I think I have been leaning towards the bochap side, but also end up getting rather stressed up when the same questions keep getting thrown to me by diff ppl on diff occasions. Bleah :( :(
Today I also got a little annoyed and petty at boss who spoke to me as if I should have known and put something into my submission all along when she never even asked to discuss the issue properly anyways. Hmph!
sorry to hear work has got you down. i feel similarly, at times. i don't always bother trying to retain facts/info (e.g. project funding sources, grant terms, etc-there are so many!). while i believe in the work that i do-- i don't think i feel this passion for it that perhaps i ought...
heh u mean filing stuff away? Yeah that's a chore... I try to do it but sometimes wished I had a filing clerk! :P
Well, at least you believe in the work you do :)
oh, not filing- bothering to memorize facts (e.g. grant amounts, grant match, grant expiration, anticipated milestones (ps&e, p&e, etc.). i think it's a fusion of 2 things- that is, why i don't bother trying to memorize all facts-- 1) apathy + 2) one of my planning profs said we needn't memorize everything b/c we could always consult bks/files. i feel like more & more certain types expect you to have everything committed to memory. perhaps i should just fake it? i suspect some ppl do..
hey. so it's been awhile since we emailed- did i mention i finally bked that trip to europe? any tips on must see places in london/paris? i still remember your photos from your visit- i think you slept in a tent?
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