Tuesday, August 09, 2011

New Toy!!

I finally bought a new compact camera over the weekend... and am pretty satisfied with the first few shots I took with it this morning. Looking forward to more fun pics but without the weight of a DSLR :P It also comes with a few fun artistic filters, which I used on my shots of my office:

 This is what HDB Hub looks like from across the road..

 My little 'cosy corner' on the drawer-top

My cutesy stuff close-up, in dramatic mode :)


courtney said...

omg shi min- which one did you get? i just remarked this past weekend and today that i am considering getting one- my father got his a couple of months ago. the nytimes reviewed a couple that it highly rated...and another blogger i follow has a panasonic luminex? one. my father's is sony.

Mints. said...

I bought an Olympus XZ-1... Originally wanted to get a Panasonic LX5, but i think the olympus suited my needs better :)

YJ said...

For what it's worth, I like my Lumix! :) No complaints so far!

Mints. said...

Sure, I know the LX series is pretty good too (as seen from ur pics) but I just liked the Olympus better after fiddling ard and taking test shots with both ;)