Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pop-up bakery?

Early this week I had a wild idea- perhaps I can try to make a few cakes/pastries etc really well and have a mini bake sale somewhere. Like a flea market/ bazaar or something. But what would I sell? And who would buy my stuff? So the wild idea is still v fluffy and prob needs more serious brainstorming - in the meantime though I have started to somewhat look out for desserts I can sell at my imaginary bake sale haha.

Below - carrot cake cupcakes with mascarpone cream cheese frosting! Had enough batter left from the carrot cake I made yesterday to make 2 little ones... may do a full post on my tedious efforts to make ONE carrot cake (sigh) if i start my food blog project heh. If I don't get lazy!

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