Baking and trying out new recipes is my current obsession and passion (But given my 3-min hotness character, I wonder how long this phase will last though). I have succumbed to this "weak spot" the past few weekends and ended up spending a good few hrs each time whipping up something new. Sometimes the experiments succeed, sometimes they fail. Often my bad whisking skills and layman equipment causes sugared egg mixture/ egg white to splatter onto my kitchen cabinets (which requires wiping afterwards). And a few fingers are getting slightly rougher washing all the baking equipment :( But so far.. the motivation remains. I suppose taking nice food pics thereafter gives me a kick too; and keeps me going.
This Sat - I resolved to make tiramisu again, so as not to waste the mascarpone cheese (which expires Mon) that has been sitting in the fridge. I decided to have a Jap theme, and thus attempted a black sesame recipe too. They both turned out quite decent; but there are still some issues an amateur like me can't quite figure out yet.
I also had a surprise find at our neighbourhood NTUC. They suddenly stocked fresh apricots and these were really fresh and sweet! I couldn't resist taking a shot of these yummy fruits :)
And there goes another weekend of baking... But since I will be bond-free in 2 days' time and jobless in about 3 weeks' time I shall have lotsa free time to make more stuff soon! :P
now you have a raspberry pink kitchen aid! :)
Yay!!! :)
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