Tuesday, July 03, 2012

More dessert adventures

Last sunday afternoon, I thought of having a green theme for the desserts I'd make. The main thing I wanted to try was another ice-cream recipe; but since I had two ripe avocados in the fridge and I came across a avocado pound cake recipe, I thought why not try baking that too. Then I can have some green-themed photos. Heh turns out that the main thing I wanted to make failed while the side project succeeded - in part because I forgot to freeze my ice-cream bowl in the freezer beforehand, and realised 1/2 an hour before the ice-cream mixture was done that I had nothing to churn it in!!! Thus I frantically put it in the freezer, hoping that it wld freeze in 6 hrs in time for me to churn and make the ice-cream later in the night. Alas that did not happen; the ice-cream bowl was only half-frozen by 11pm but I threw in the ice-cream mixture anyways so that I won't have to keep the egg yolks in the mixture in the fridge (and not frozen) overnight. Alas... insufficient churning of the ice-cream mixture gave me a ice-cream block full of ice crystals. I attempted to introduce more air by re-mixing the frozen mixture; but it was DISASTROUS. So I ended up with a hulk-like mess instead of my basil gelato. Oh well, but it was a small consolation that the recipe didn't taste that great either so I didn't feel so upset dumping everything in the bin. Nmind, I will try again next time and make sure my kitchen produces some decently-aired ice-cream!

The avocado pound cake received good reviews; so I shall make this again some time :) 

 Ingredients for my basil gelato, pre-mixed

The horrifying re-frozen icy green mess... :P

 On a unrelated note - I want complain against the MAC OS! I recently had to upgrade to a more advanced OS to take an online course, but it requires me to upgrade to all the intermediate OSes before I can upgrade to the most advanced one :( So my Leopard has to morph into a Snow Leopard, transform into a Lion and if I still have $ I can then upgrade it into a Mountain Lion (which will be available this July). Bleah! 


cathy @ma vie trouvee said...

Oh an avocado cake...that sounds so yummy! I am addicted to the avocado drinks at the hawker stands : )

Mints. said...

haha - I love those too! Just that they can be rather filling ;)