Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas and Happy 2009!

This is my favorite time of the year... when everything at work winds down, good friends physically present double overnight; and everyone is more or less in a relaxed/ joyous mood. We also had our ERU celebration this afternoon, and coerced sporting boss into doing some seriously funny antics (such as wearing dark angel wings cum halo/ devilish hairband gear, compliments of ph2). The antics were captured on video.... but meant for ERU-sian eyes only. Uploading to Youtube was strictly forbidden :P

Am also leaving for the Land of the Rising Sun in the wee hours of the 26th and really looking forward to a week of frosty adventure with two dear frens :D

And so to all my dear friends who read this blog, have a blessed Christmas; and since I won't be back till next year, here's also wishing all of you lotsa joy and good health for 2009!