Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Today's Day 2 of work back at HDB. Things are still relatively peaceful; and the environment is very quiet. My office is a little set-up tucked away in a little corner behind the lift lobby, with a total of... 6 workstations and a tiny discussion corner. So far, there's a total of 2 inhabitants in our little office (in the past 2 days at least). The 3rd person (someone senior) has apparently been MIA, so my boss and I have had the whole place to ourselves! Hopefully this MIA neighbour is easy to get along with... i mean, when there are so few of us, 1 unpleasant colleague makes a huge diff... :P

I get a nice corner with lotsa wall space right at the end, but it's currently relatively empty and undecorated, except for my santa mug with a santa-holding-on-to-cup-rim spoon; a few postcards of takayama/ gassho-style farmhouses stuck on the side of my big cabinet; an unmagnetic whiteboard; self-decorated IKEA magnets on my magnetic cabinet door and a little dish cloth with black cat-face prints covering the top of my little chest of drawers. I want to make my workstation feel more homely, but have yet to decide on what pictures/ posters i should put up. Maybe a potted plant/ cactus or two and cute vases would help.

Hope things will remain peaceful in the weeks to come! Heh. So far so good, except that I have to readjust to using LN (instead of Outlook) all over again... Am also not used to having to meet/ co-exist with so many people at the lift lobby... The exponential increase in number of fellow lift-riders is somewhat intimidating.. though I dun even know many of them. I suddenly cannot imagine/ believe that so many ppl actually work at HDB Hub... Guess I had also better start working bucking up, so as to live up to my fanciful title of "Head Strategist"... Right now, these shoes are too big for me to fit comfortably in; and what I need to do in the coming months is still somewhat hazy :(

By the way - this is my cute santa mug hehehe.