Thursday, November 27, 2003

i'ts thanksgiving weekend.... and i am bumming in berkeley for the first time. feels good, that for once i am not rushing to pack all my stuff like 2 hours before leaving for some trip, with worries about not finishing my homework and stuff when i get back from the trip.... haah not that i will do a lot of work while i am here though. i really doubt it. i think i will prob be so lazy and wake up late everyday.... found this great recipe for twice baked potatoes... so prob will try that for our thanksgiving dinner on thursday...!
monday saw a really really terrible incident happen that i will remb always.... and having recovered from the initial shock and trauma i now see it as a good learning experience, though at a very very painful cost... plus harm inflicted on nice and innocent individuals.... but i guess i cannot keep brooding about it now, except to think of the best solution and be mature and rational and not sink into interminable? depression or anything.... guilt is one terrible emotion that really prevents u from concentrating on doing ur normal stuff....... but i guess i hav to accept that i'm not perfect and bound to make mistakes and as long as i learn from them and reflect upon my mistakes i should be on my path to being a better person....?

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