Monday, May 24, 2004

back from LA trip and i think i got absolutely sick of driving! think we drove at least 700 miles in 4 days and it's seriously demoralizing to have people horn at you whenever u make lil mistakes when driving... or when u hesitate... no wonder ppl tell me it's really stressful driving in LA...
our trip was pretty cool though... i never really expected myself to be able to drive so much and get around without major glitches... though at times shu the navigator and I the driver felt like just moving to the backseats and just slack behind... but of course that was not possible..
it was cool that we actually got to meet ryan seacrest in person and we even took a picture with him! not that he is a big celebrity or anything, but it was still fun nonetheless...
getting lost and having to drive randomly around is NOT a fun thing...
now there's more 'in store' for me... the worry-warty me panicking for our europe trip cos NOTHING has been planned... and i really want to make this trip a good one... and am pretty excited now too actually... just a bit tired and spaced out... and my whole house is in a mess now.... my kitchen is veyr gross my own toilet is rather dirty... and new housemates just moved in... i htink i just bother myself with everything and make myself so stressed...
want to upload my LA pics but unfortunately card reader is not here... so i suppose can only do that when i get back to sg...

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