Sunday, May 29, 2005

while making my way to the bathroom this morning i was greeted by the aroma of fried bacon and my earlybird 'housemates' who were having a wholesome Sat breakfast... i wonder when i last had a properly prepared breakfast... despite not being able to have bacon (good lah, else make me fat too) i was offered some leftover coffee... which was a mini blessing given the horribly cold weather these few days. and while sorting out her books, my landlord dug out an old copy of Machiavelli's 'The Prince' and lent it to me.. cos i casually mentioned some days before that i was reading that for my class... small little gesture, but so awfully nice. i did feel a little =( that i seem to have fallen out of the little fellow's favor... guess cos the novelty of having someone new in the house is gone! but good lah, since i have so much work piling up anyways.. took a long time putting up some photoframes last night.. dug out the cute Monet magnets i got from the National Art Gallery in DC. keep getting distracted from work by frivolous little things i want to do to my surroundings.. have to do some serious research for my first art project and rack my brains over my tough PEIS prob set this weekend. =(

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