Saturday, November 12, 2005

2nd babysitting experience today....

Shi Min: hey you want to go out for a stroll?
Kai: yeah.... i need exercise...... let's take the stroller!
Shi Min: (in questioning tone) the stroller..?! can't you walk?
Kai: nah.... (hmm whatever happened to acknowledgment that he should exercise...)
and so it ends up that the guy who wanted to 'exercise' sits comfortably in stroller i spent ages trying to open, while Shi Min wheels him around neighborhood for a while, at times giving in to his whims (eg. hey let's go fast down this ramp!) and naturally, ends up getting ALL the exercise... even though at times he tried to trick me into going to get candy (hey... why don't we go to the gas station?) certain things he says are just so cute it's just so funny =P

somehow, while watching pride and prejudice today, i also couldn't help noticing all the high-waist long dresses the girls were wearing, esp those Keira was wearing... they actually look kinda plain, but at times they really do look just so simple and elegant... then bunch up hair with tiny white pearls in head... aaah so sweet. hmm but of course you hav to hav the right figure, the right looks etc etc..... else might turn out looking er.. rather odd i guess. =P


Anonymous said...

I've been reading reviews where die-hard Austen fans complain about the lack of depth of the movie. That's the good thing about not reading the book before. I can appreciate the movie for what it is, and not as an "adaptation of the book". Honestly, I found it rather entertaining. At first it was just hilariously comical, but towards the end, I did feel the emotions coming through. I will still try to read the book though, just because I want to see what the real version is supposed to be, and because just about everyone out there has read it. I feel so uncultured. I must admit, though, that if I were to read it now, I'd be having scenes from "Bride & Prejudice" and "Pride & Prejudice" flashing across my eyes as I read the book. :D But my favourite character in either versions is undoubtedly Mr. Collins. I don't remember him being so funny in the book. And I'm beginning to understand now why people appreciate the dialogue. Reading is such a chore because it seems so convoluted, but it sounds so pretty when you hear it. So much wit and elegance in their speech, and I'm positive the British accent has something to do with it too. Now I'm thinking of renting the BBC version with Colin Firth in it. ;) Oh to go beyond chapter 16!

Mints. said...

though i read the story ages ago, i remember it building up a lot more the relationships between the characters... and perhaps in that sense i guess the movie lacks 'depth'... but as always, i find that movie adaptations can never bring that out i remember being really touched by all the things Darcy did for Elizabeth, which the movie did show; but the intensity of his affections, which the movie tried to 'construct', definitely paled in comparison to the original story... but it's really difficult to bring out something like that by showing just a few scenes you just have to read the book for the 'richness' of plot...nonetheless i liked the movie cos it was entertaining... and agree with you it's a pleasure to listen to their dialogue and sometimes really 'pretty' ways of expressing themselves... ha and of course, my obsession with those elegant long dresses!