Thursday, December 15, 2005

am rather upset that i'm about to turn in a crappy history paper, esp cos i really enjoyed this class and cos i really invested so much time into all the readings. and i'm so gonna screw up both my econ finals and i only have myself to blame. =(


Anonymous said...

Oh dear... I have only just read your blog after a week's hiatus. I'm sorry to hear about your crappy week, it's so difficult to stay motivated throughout long terms! I'm glad that at my two unis so far, I only have final exams at the end of the year - which means I can catch up with revision during the hols. But never mind - next term is another term. Don't let the papers/finals ruin your hols!

Mints. said...

you're such a dearie, Ms Wong. =)

Anonymous said...

YOU are the dearie! Your blog is sooo nice to read, I think your personality comes shining through. I hope your wisdom teeth operation goes well!!