Tuesday, January 24, 2006

it's rather irritating how i can't help myself from getting really upset over little things sometimes. and to have to lift your own spirits by ignoring them AMAP or by distracting yourself with other things.
also quite aware how i will have a sore lack of good company this sem and one task at hand is inevitably to find some things (other than sch work) to occupy myself else i shall be quite a miserable creature. i wonder why i'm not even thinking about people.

why do ppl cry when they are sad. it certainly doesn't make one less sad.


Anonymous said...

I don't know - crying always makes me feel better afterwards. It's cathartic. It kind of releases all your feelings and after that you feel... neutral. Not thinking so much about whatever it was that made you cry in the first place. But then again, I cry for all sorts of silly reasons, not just when I'm really sad about something. I cry/tear when other people cry or awful things happen (on the TV/movie screen), when I'm upset, when I'm angry. All of it feels sort of nice afterwards. Anyway, I do hope you will be able to find something/some people to enjoy during this term.

Mints. said...

yj... you're ever so responsive! (of course i welcome that...) it sometimes just amazes me how crying can be so spontaneous. like sometimes you might not be even aware of how upset you are/or maybe how happy/touched/angry you are...
i made a tiny resolution to improve photography skills on my own... and also to improve Jap (realized that though i understand my senseis... i cannot really speak it anymore...) so hopefully those two goals will keep me busy...

YJ said...

Dear Ms Min, I like to respond wherever possible because it is (in a small sense) like having a conversation with you.

I think you and I have over-active tear ducts :) But you read about times when people just can't cry, even when they really need to (when someone close to them has died, for example). I think that crying is generally good, EXCEPT when it is (a) embarrassing (b) inconvenient, like when I'm trying to express myself cohrenetly on some issue (c) I get a headache afterward :)

I think your resolutions are worthy ones! Maybe it's just me, but I love to just be lazy and have acres of spare time in which I don't have to do anything :) My Japanese has completely gone to pot, although I am grateful that I can still speak a little with my Japanese friend. Useful for secret code in an English-speaking country!