Sunday, February 26, 2006

Treasure what we have...

thanks to Jacqui, i was sent an attachment full of thought-provoking pictures taken in China. Some touched me more than others, but nothing speaks to me more than this:

this was titled "Ku1 qi4 de4 lao3 ren2" and cos i can't type Chinese on this i'm just gonna paste the accompanying caption-
The old man sells roast yam for a living. Because he doesn’t have a license, his tools were confiscated and his tricycle was smashed, its chain cut. All the old man can do is to sit there and cry. Tomorrow…

it really hit me how poverty can make one totally helpless and hopeless... if he were a beggar, I would feel a lot less for him, but this man was trying so hard to make a living...

There were two other powerful images in the attachment, but cos one was merely titled "Mu3 Ai4" it was impossible to google for it; the other merely had a caption. The one on mother love depicts two pairs of mother and child; the poor woman had her child bundled up on her back while she polished her client's (a child) shoe. This kid (i presume) is from a relatively well-off family (as suggested by the woman in fur coat standing behind him). The photographer's clever juxtaposition of these two pairs immediately sent a clear and powerful message....

The other picture showed this couple trying to push a bicycle cart together (i think)... The lady in the picture only had one leg and she hobbled along with one hand on the cart and the other on her crutch... the guy's face can't be seen, but from his movements one can tell he is exerting a lot of strength to get the cart to move. think they are transporting something but i can't tell what. the lady, despite a 'disability' many would deem devastating, had this radiant smile on her face... i guess it's really difficult to guess what the real story is from ONE snapshot, but it appears that she's happy.... and the caption that went along with this picture was "No rose, no diamond ring, but if this is not love, what is love?"

Well it might be true that sometimes pictures are 'exploited' to draw sympathy from people, but i'm sure that there are so many sad stories out there that we haven't seen or heard. hmm what's my point of this entry. i dunno... i guess it really does remind me how fortunate i am. yet whole day complain about little things.

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