Sunday, July 16, 2006

having been surrounded by many peers (esp since sec sch) born with silver spoons in their mouths, it would be a blatant lie if i never once experienced feelings of envy... i suppose it's natural to make superficial comparisons and ask, why XXX can have all these things without working for them while i can't?? backgrounds aside, i believe i've also questioned why XXX is so smart while i am not?? OR... why is XXX so lucky to get this this and that but not me?? and when one is feeling sore about what one doesn't have, he/she neglects everything else that he/she does have. while on bad days i might try to deny that my life is good, in general i have to admit that i am a very fortunate girl with a loving family, great friends, and a beneficiary of a "fortuitous" education at Berkeley... reflecting on experiences in the past year or so; drawing on various recent articles i've read on ppl who have succeeded in accomplishing their goals and learning from the actions pf ppl i know who have inspired me, i'm repeatedly reminded of how impt it is to WORK hard, stragetically, for the things that you want... while 'windfalls' do happen, if you really want something to happen, you have to keep working for/on it... such a simple fact but sometimes really hard to put into action.


Anonymous said...

I've always thought that it's better to be hard-working than to be smart/born into a wealthy family/good looking: you can take credit for the former, but not for the latter.

Mints. said...

absolutely; but i think at times i cannot help feeling that life's unfair. BUT IT IS-- only that i frequently compare myself with ppl who are seemingly better off, not those who are worse off. but if i succeed in life, i hope that it's because i worked hard for whatever i wanted. actually in the office, i wonder at times if ppl think i'm going to have it easy since i'm a 'scholar'... and so now i actually have to work even harder to prove my worth!

Anonymous said...

Yah - the truth is that people are born with different-sized endowments (in the microeconomic sense, haha); I guess we just have to make the best of our lot and maybe help out those who started out with even less than we did.