Saturday, September 02, 2006

having witnessed how some of my lady colleagues couldn't help shedding (more than) a few tears for boss esp towards end of the day, i cannot help but infer that he must have been a really really good boss. and these past few days of group phototaking... farewell last week... decorating his workstation early this morning... individual phototaking... and some resigned sighs of "things will never be the same again"... i suppose all of them must have built up really good working relationships as well as friendships. i have to admit that even as a newbie, i felt a little teary for 3 seconds in the middle of his mini farewell speech. funny thing is, despite having worked in a 90% female environment for some years, i believe boss is still rather clueless as to how to deal with women when they cry... and so when one colleague was hiding in cubicle (cos crying rather badly) boss was really at a loss and stared blankly at some of us... but still attempted to go in... poke poke a little, joke a little... but eventually decided to disappear :P oh well... i'm actually not so sure i can handle ppl crying either haha.but ya, it's certainly hard when you know you're going to miss someone.

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