Wednesday, September 13, 2006

this week or two is prob as happening as Sg can get...? everything has been planned to coincide with IMF/WB meeting rather intentionally, so as to showcase the island to the supposed 16,000 or so delegates arriving... sadly i can only hear about the big names in the papers; no chance to attend any public lectures and such... of course i'm happy that there are many things i can do during the weekend, yet at the same time, feel like everything's but a show. it's cool that passers-by get to appreciate Salvador Dali's sculptures in front of Taka... but me wonders if these transplanted sculptures would soon disappear after the buzz is gone? reminds me of friend's documentary... that we dun bother to slowly cultivate and allow things to slowly take root... we only want instant gratification...?


Anonymous said...

Yup, sculptures aren't going to be around for long (but then, Singaporeans are already sitting on them and leaving litter!). I do like Dali so I might be going around to have a look at them some time, although I feel guilty for not having even read the Dali art book I bought years ago in Paris...

Mints. said...
