Thursday, September 07, 2006

tmr morning's our dept's 'Active Day' and some of us were made to participate in team spirit- boosting games.... i signed up for something called "Wet and Wild", which involves carrying scoop of water over your head over a certain distance.... then team that gets most water in shortest time or something wins. hmmm... hope i dun really end up getting wet. but wonder how effective these will be at team-building? anyway... i suppose it's a nice break from work. though this week saw me OT-ing 2/3 times, still can't help but feel unproductive even while OT-ing since i'm still somewhat "handicapped" at work... and it's funny how after i revealed to a colleague that work hasn't really won me over at all... he replied saying something like, "who likes work??" :P i think i just need to find something that will motivate me and inspire me at work, if i ever do...

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