Wednesday, November 01, 2006

the past two days have been crazy for me; worked past 9pm for both days and felt extremely worn out... have been assigned very tedious tasks at work and perhaps inability to work quickly and efficiently has resulted in extremely long hours.... :( also observed that it does pay to be more chatty and thick-skinned at work(or just about anything???); and my character sometimes put me at an disadvantage when it comes to establishing good work relationships with people... one does not need to 'hit it off' instantly when making friends since the process is gradual whereas one sometimes needs to be good at just dealing with ppl if you merely need to get work done... makes me wonder what kinda job would be a good fit for me....?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know, it's funny... I have sort of the exact opposite problem. I am as chatty and thick-skinned as necessary when it comes to talking about work. But the moment it comes to small talk - a purely social situation - I'm doomed!