Sunday, February 11, 2007

I got to witness today one of those MP walkabout/ ang-bao giving ceremonies that have taken up considerable airtime over local news of late... only that mine's a SERS completion ceremony - usually held when residents have completed their move from their old flats to their new ones. and so being the OIC for this particular completion ceremony, was in charge of putting together the info folder for the bosses. that was extremely time-consuming and hair-raising (when you're expected to go dig out info from eons ago). also got some first-hand, personal 'how-to-be-a-good-subordinate' training from boss... like when the big boss is mingling around with bigger shots, have to be watchful... such that if he shoots you a glance from the corner of his eye; it means "come quickly i got something to ask you/ i want you to do something"... and so instead of occasionally getting carried away by the silly antics put up for residents on stage you're supposed to watch your immediate boss closely... so boss watches dept head, i watch boss... (haha i'm sure this is very common lah. and actually boss was nice to remind me. just that i'm being complainy hehe)

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