Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Went on site yesterday, and I still find it rather grueling to go on-site so once-in-a-blue-moon, cos would usually have forgotten all the special policy cases/ experiences accrued from the last site by then. It's such a cheem science to have to browse ppl's info/resale history and such; then have to advise them on their replacement flat/other queries on the spot. We seriously need a SERS Policy 101 to initiate all new officers... even after a year on the job I still feel inadequate. Today's also one of those down days at work. Our relationship with our working partners in other units seems to be going downstream... and I this tiny fry appear to somehow kenah the misfortune of writing things that make these bigger shots mad. aargh. what to do. Small fry is at best messenger only... On such days I get so frustrated and wonder what's the point of doing all I do. Consolation though is that I at least have one or two colleagues to complain to... Actually after my two recent trips to Vietnam and Krabi, I can't help but wonder... why is is that people in slightly poorer places with simpler lifestyles appear to be way happier than ppl in richer places?? Sometimes, we Singaporeans slog all our lives, but at the end of the day, how many ppl can claim to be truly happy and satisfied with their lives? It's so scary to even think about this, but perhaps even scarier to NOT think about this and just blindly work... work... and work...

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