Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Long weekend...

I basically spent my long weekend lazing and doing almost nothing. Finished the entire Vol 1 of Monster hehe. Scouted around for other volumes, but realised that they were easily 30 something per volume... so have decided to watch the remaining episodes online. The ending song is eerily nice (Shall put it here next time). In case you're wondering if Shi Min has morphed into some psychological thriller fan overnight-- I really haven't. It's just that behind all this seemingly scary ju4 qing2 in this anime series, there's like all this history-related snippets abt East Germany and like a hidden commentary about human nature... Which makes this whole series rather appealing on the whole.

On Sunday, also got down to designing a 'book cover' for a lil booklet my section will be making for our DD... Actually had no idea what to do; but somehow once I got into it, creative juices started flowing... and I had something tweaked along the color scheme of our SERS logo. Haven't done anything arty for a long time... but I realised while doing this that the affinity I have for doing such frivolous things is as strong as ever.

Here it is! My tiny piece of art :)

Lastly, would like to wish all my dear friends who read this blog a Merry Xmas! Spend a little quality time with your loved ones yeah?

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