Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Secret Pals
There was some commotion early this morning at the pigeon holes. From my workstation, I could hear a bunch of ERU ladies wowing and ah-ing... cos someone's secret pal had left her a small rose bouquet! And that someone turned out to be me! :) It certainly made my day, but my secret pal was thereafter accused of 'spoiling the market'... 'cos secret pal expectations were "upped" as a result. Tmr's our Christmas gift exchange; and I shall find out who has been so sweet to me, showering me with lil gifts every other day :)

At end of day, the junior officers also decided to re-collect all the tiny gifts we had given one another the past week or so for a secret-pal-gifts 'group picture'. Someone who got a donut last week then joked... already eaten want me to spit it out meh?? Though we're no longer kids, it was somewhat cute that this Christmas-secret-pal-initiative brought out the kid in many of us... like making ppl really happy for 3 minutes when they discover small gifts in their pigeon holes.


Anonymous said...

How lovely! :-)

Heh, never thought the pigeon hole could look so inviting...

Merry Christmas!

Mints. said...

mmm, all thanks to our enthu JOs, who put everything together.

Merry xmas too; I see someone has a real Christmas tree :)