Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The day has been most unsustainable. And if I work 14 hrs everyday like I did today, my eyes would become the smallest in the world in no time... And the silliest thing was-- hours were spent making trivial changes and touch-ups to briefing materials. If we are slightly slip-shod, we'll receive subtle and sometimes not-so-subtle hints from boss that we weren't tactful and thinking enough; yet frequently we aren't even given ample time to think through issues properly in the first place. Not that it's entirely his fault-- boss has to meet bigger bosses' deadlines and everyone's just like rushing to get things out. Why on earth is everyone pushing so hard. Though we pity boss (who's resigned to always staying up to clear our materials) sometimes I cannot help but pity ourselves too. And most of the work i'm doing is scarcely helping me remain a thinking creature.
Can I just study for life?

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