Sunday, February 08, 2009

Little heart tuggers...

Sometimes, little things make all the difference. 2 little items at 2 restaurants caught my eye...

I thought this white "pom-pom" flower at Marmalade Pantry looked really cute. The petals remind me of a chrysanthemum, perhaps a spherical kind or what! I asked the waitress what kind of flower it was... but she was equally clueless. So it shall remain the pom-pom flower in my dictionary :P

Little glass of white cum brown sugar cubes at PS Cafe, Palais Renaissance... Though pretty, we figured it was actually somewhat unhygienic. Like, if unfinished by end of day throw away quite wasted, but on other hand, quite gross if they get recycled repeatedly hehe :P


Anonymous said...

i love the pom-pom flower too!

Mints. said...

So what's pom-pom flower's real name? ;)