I'm finally back from the land of blaring horns and the anyhow anyhow but somehow seems to work out traffic... I've never felt so at ease with the clean air and orderly roads in Sg... BTW, pedestrians also contribute a big part to the anyhow anyhow traffic. Indian pedestrians must be the most skilful car/auto-rickshaw shunners ever. Esp if you want to beat the charging oncoming traffic and hop onto public buses awaiting a green light; or weave in and out of temporarily stationary vehicles to hawk your wares (I suppose you can sell anything at all... from funny flourescent toys to socks, food and even erm, 2-feet tall huge vases) or beg for money... Then again, I guess most ppl wouldn't have to resort to such 'antics' (esp the hawking on roads) if it weren't so difficult to eke out a living.. :(
It's been a very interesting and eye-opening two weeks, but I suppose I wouldn't want to really live there. Pollution aside, my chinese/sg/western-food-philic stomach would complain big time if I had to eat curries and rotis and naans most of the time :P Not to say that I didn't savour some really yummy Indian cuisine, but the preferred option is still a largely non-curry/mashed up diet. I never really thought about it before, but being able to discretely see your food makes a pretty big difference...
As for the poor ankle, it needs a good rest too. I'm pretty much reliant on crutches for the next week or so, but thankfully it's but a bad sprain that should heal with more rest and time. The injury has given me a somewhat "invaluable" opportunity of being wheelchaired ard for the last couple of days... and only then do you truly appreciate places with universal access. And the wheelchair is a wonderful invention! I could still go places without my legs..., though being constantly stared at was part of the 'deal' :P And of all the airlines we took during the entire trip, think Tiger Airways was the most disappointing. Indian airlines like Indigo, Kingfisher etc win hands down! Esp when it comes to service and non-discrimination of physically challenged individuals... Stupid Tiger Airways, want to charge me Rs 1100 (close to $40 sing) for use of wheelchair from check-in counter to plane! What a rip-off...
Lastly, what's a trip without pictures? Here are some highlights...
p/s: The cool thing about public transport in Delhi though is that they run on CNG... which cuts down pollution significantly! They shld eventually extend this to all Indian cities...
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