Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sometimes we get so carried away by work or get so affected by work stress that we forget about what really matters. On hindsight, it was great that I had to go for a compulsory retreat on Sun/Mon and just had some time off to myself, with friends... to enjoy nature and simple pleasures around us.

Today a young colleague (yeah i v old already) who just quit Hsg Div (after 6 months) shared that he was gg to take a 2 to 3-mth backpacking trip in South-east Asia... To some extent I admired his courage to just heck-care & explore the world b4 it's too late :P Maybe I should also do that some day. Prob not a 2-3 mth trip though, I suppose it wld be too tiring for my old soul.. heh.

It's now a one-week countdown to my 10-day break in Sydney! Really look forward to doing one of those coastal walks... hopefully I'd also use the break to do some reflection...

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