Thursday, October 04, 2012

Home-made banana pancakes!

I was inspired by my Laos guesthouse owner to make my own banana pancakes... It's D's birthday this weekend and I had originally planned to bake a nice cake. But time was a little tight with the preps for Taiwan trip and random errands I had to run. So the grand cake plans were shelved and I prepared a mini birthday breakfast instead.

The pancakes didn't look that great, but they tasted quite decent nonetheless :) Actually as D was in a rush to get to work he had the slightly uglier pancakes without the banana-slices topping heh. But he got a rock melon mint fruit shake to go with his brekkie whereas I didn't :P

 Pancake batter (instant one lah) with lotsa fresh bananas!

Dunno why one of my pancakes turned out looking like a zucchini or potato pancake...

 Had two big pancakes drizzled with maple syrup (on a chio MUJI plate haha) to myself !

 One pancake gone!

 And down to the last slice :)

Am off to Taiwan tmr and another 2 weeks of volunteering at a Hualien organic farm. Many family members and friends weren't too confident that I'd be of much use at a farm (actually I am not certain I'm up to it either haha) but hopefully I will be able to rough it out a bit; lose some weight and grow fitter; pick up some useful skills for my own garden and not get too tan...  :)

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