Friday, March 04, 2005

my roommate signed me up for a 'congressional breakfast' with California's Senator, Dianne Feinstein, and so both of us made our way down early this morning to the Senate building for free breakfast... it was more interesting than i thought. On the way to the ballroom where the breakfast was going to be held, we walked past some senator offices and chanced upon 'john kerry'... and so being very suaku started posing for pictures in front of the sign... ppl who walked past us must have been amused with us getting so excited over a tiny sign. sadly to our disappointment when we walked past the same office after breakfast we realized it was prob just an intern office, for interns interning for Kerry... haha oh well. but ya, i was pretty impressed by our short breakfast session, cos Feinstein was really friendly and approachable, introducing the ppl who worked for her, briefly touching on amendments she was working on and patiently explained how things worked... thought it was pretty cool how citizens can attend such sessions... but not all senators do this lah. and then after that i thought about it again... maybe it's like a more high-class version of like our 'meet-the-grassroot-leaders' sessions in neighborhoods?? haha which i have never ever bothered to go for... so i cannot really compare but only speculate... guess the crowd is also different? sigh nmind i am talking nonsense.

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