Saturday, October 22, 2005

so i've kinda been conditioned to daily after-meal bloatedness and weird grumbling noises and i can't even bear to think about what's going on inside. just hope everything will be ok again soon. and was also thinking that i now perhaps have an inkling of what many hunger-stricken African kids are going through... only perhaps ten times worse. my mild bloating and other unpleasant symptoms have already caused me a lot of discomfort; i can now totally imagine how awful it must be to have stomach viruses in your tummy all the time. it's not like i haven't seen pics of starving kids with distended abdomens before... it's just that i NEVER really wondered how that might feel like... now that i can imagine the pain they must be going through.. it's really quite upsetting. but then, what's the use of me feeling sorry for them, like it would lift their suffering... ONLY if i can do something about it one day, will such feelings of sympathy be of some use right. =(


KT said...

Poor thing, have you tried "po chai yun" from Hong Kong?
They are supposed to work wonders.

Mints. said...

i take those sometimes but they didn't work at all...thanks for your suggestion though =) hmm do i know you?

KT said...

Sorry, me random stranger.

Surfed in over from redpolkadot's blog. Me and 3 others at work has the same problem too.

Off from school because sick, therefore surfing blogs as I am bored.

Mints. said...

that's fine, dun have to apologize. hope you recover soon too =)