Thursday, August 10, 2006

these couple of days i've been feeling bad about being not xi4 xin1 enough with my work. the little things i overlooked didn't lead to disastrous consequences... but really felt incompetent :( sigh, no use brooding over them now. have to tell myself to learn from mistakes and then move on! actually i feel extremely guilty because my boss, instead of telling me to make the necessary changes, makes the amendments himself whenever he can, then sends the improved versions back to me and highlights things i need to be aware of.... i hav to admit that his style of doing things is quite efficient and cool. and it REALLY makes me even more motivated to do my work well...


Anonymous said...

Don't worry!! You're just starting out. Everybody makes mistakes at work, I'm sure I'll do lots of silly things. We're going to be working for decades yet, and if we worried about all the stuff we did wrong, where would we be...?

Mints. said...

haha yeah. i suppose i'm aware of that, just that during these moments you can't help but feel bit disgusted with yourself...;P