Monday, February 26, 2007

Happy Birthday to me :)

turning 24 isn't something that I have been looking forward to, yet it's always nice to feel special.. to feel you matter to friends/family... and somehow birthdays are typically the days ppl take the chance to show that they care... while i don't really want anything from anyone, it's always heartwarming when ppl who matter to you show that they care. AND, to treat myself a little, i also went and got myself a tiny birthday cake just for fun. for the very first time in my life, my day started off with a bouquet of flowers and ended off with another!(all from girls lah, no need to speculate) and the bouquet that arrived just minutes ago totally surprised me... cos it's from a very dear friend whom i've known nearly half my life...

Even though i've been meaning to sit down and reflect a bit today; somehow i still didn't manage to do it. Nonetheless, in the 30 min or so that I did get to somewhat think through things that matter to me and what changes I want to introduce into my life (i suppose i'm still not very focused, but i tried....) there are 3 main things I think I want to start and stick to doing for a long , long time...... 1) Stay positive and have more confidence in myself; 2) Treasure my friends and family instead of yearning for things that you don't already have. Drawing from parts of Anna Karenina, we might not actually be as happy as we think we'll be after the full realization of what we have desired all along... 3) Be more disciplined, procrastinate less!

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