Sunday, October 07, 2007

This morning I was stand-in photographer for our SERS consultation on new precinct facilities... and my very first time acting as 'event photographer' for something. Though was only in charge of taking pics for 2 hrs, had to run around like mad woman and was quite sticky and tired at the end of it all... Nonetheless I actually quite enjoyed myself :) And realised that it's a challenge to take pictures of an event... cos your subjects dun stop for you and you just have to be quick, to be at the right place at the right time! Unfortunately quite a few of my shots came out blur, but given that I took some 200 over pictures within 2 hrs, I suppose I could still afford to have some lousy ones... and i forgive myself cos it's my first attempt at such things :P After the session, really felt that I would like to master photography one day...

Also met up with a couple of 'old friends' over the weekend; I always feel inspired by my 'tough' friends who really push themselves to do their best, overcome all obstacles etc etc. My very decent and self-motivated friends put me to shame when I reflect on my lack of perseverance and determination etc etc. But I'm certainly not looking down on myself! I just need to believe that I am capable of doing better... :)


Anonymous said...

haha, wah, budget so tight ar?

Mints. said...

Erm, the CDD photographer couldn't make it and think the Houseword photographer charges like $350 per assignment or something... So I agreed to help :) Sadly I dun get paid but it was a good learning experience...