Sunday, November 25, 2007

Today marked the end of my year-long JLPT 2 Prep class... and THE TEST is next Sunday...! Die... Hope that I'll be lucky enough to pass. Though I have not sufficiently prepared for next week's test, it also comes as a sort of relief to me that I'll finally get to slack a bit on Sundays thereafter... and catch up with more sleep :P Intend to take 3 mth hiatus from Japanese class after test... 'cos unlike most other ppl, my December would be one busy month and I foresee myself getting quite stressed over deadlines and increasing workload for my 'CCAs'... aargh. At times just want to throw aside everything and do nothing; but cutting-down-forest-of-thorns analogy is still clear enough in head, so will continue to persevere! Meanwhile I keep wondering how everyone out there with tonnes of other commitments (eg. family, kids) manage to cope with work and life...

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