Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Minshuku = Min + Shu + Khoo ;)

Past few days have been religiously spent researching for Japan trip and looking up accommo. Esp accommo for popular destinations, which was being snapped up pretty quickly (though I was rather doubtful abt everything being booked up so quickly and was quite slack initially... :P) Hardworking a bit and finish booking everything then can rest :) We're halfway there....

So anyway today the ingenious Shu asked if Jap style farmhouse = minshuku (BTW minshuku = hiragana pronunciation for 民宿 = something like homestyle lodging/inn) and highlighted its semblance to our names... It was so brilliant cos at that moment it just hit me that hey, we're so fated to stay at a minshuku together...!! Cos not as if we're being intentional abt fitting bits of our names in... Min is always min; shu has always been shu... Well, J you are a bit out, but hey, with a little twist you still fit in quite snugly... ;)

Alright, maybe all of you think I'm weird... But to me, it's just such a cute coincidence.

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