Monday, May 18, 2009

Today's muffin day...

I haven't baked in AGES... actually i've been wanting to bake something for the longest time, but have been quite lazy all along. It also doesn't help that I don't have an oven at home :P But since I took a day off today (clearing time-off), I finally overcome the inertia and just did it! And... my 40D and lovely f1.8 lens are back in action :)

Decided to try baking two kinds of muffins at my aunt's place this afternoon -- Banana sourcream muffins and Blackbottom muffins. The former was a somewhat interesting recipe I found in a Jap magazine; and the latter was an online recipe. Not sure if any of you can remb the Blackbottom muffins at Free Speech Cafe at our Berkeley Moffitt Library -- but they had the yummiest blackbottom muffins ever! With lotsa cream cheese goodness... Hehe, now you know how come i put on so much weight over there :P
The 'before' and 'after' of my banana sourcream muffins. Hmmm, I think I actually prefer the 'before' look. I dun think I'll ever find out what they are supposed to taste like; because my Jap a bit cannot make it then I couldn't quite make out one of the steps... and just anyhow anyhow... hee.

Heh, I have a fairy-chimney muffin! Well, very unfortunately, I dun quite fancy the looks of my muffins... It doesn't help that the core of the banana turns black after being cooked. Hmm, the chimney is really quite sooty hor :P

The blackbottom muffins--- fresh out of oven (all in baking tray) and when 'served'. Hehe... more like for picture-taking only.

Hehe, some of you might get to taste the experimental muffins... :P Sadly they neither look nor taste terribly good :) Nevermind, till next time!

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