Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Today i had one of those moments. You know, the feeling that everyone seems to be happy and fine with what they are doing and you're the only one who thinks that everything is so not ok... perhaps I should just console myself that at least life is not so crazy at work anymore. Old already, get upset unnecessarily will 伤身 one haha. Energy should be preserved for my frivolous pursuits. Like reading a book. Curling up in bed to read trashy mag. Baking lotsa yummy cookies. Freezing cute moments in time. These will distract myself from thinking lousy thoughts abt myself...


courtney said...

sorry to hear you're feeling down. how much longer is your term? i reg question what i'm doing.. think it's a good thing, actually. =) you ever try kayaking in s'pore? i'm taking a 2 weekend course on it..this upcoming weekend we're supposed to learn how to cope in a capsize situation. not looking fwd to it b/c i have a work event afterwords..

Mints. said...

Mmm... slightly less than 2 years. I tried kayaking when i was like, 15. I'm sorry, but I never imagined you as the sort who would sign up for a kayaking course! Have fun and take pictures! :)