Monday, May 02, 2005

For once we have a special guest blogger on my blog.... enjoy =P

Greetings from Washington, DC from ShiMinTan's flatmate, Courtney!

After much pestering, Shi Min has relented, and now almost seems
pleased to offer me a bit of space on her blog. And just to allay any
suspicions, Shi Min has assured me she will not go all Singaporean on
me and censor what I write! (j/k, of course!)

Shi Min and I have lived in close proximity, scratch that, the same
bedroom for quite some time now—just 11 days shy of four months. And
during our lengthy cohabitation, I have born witness to quite a few
quirks in her personality… First off, the girl emits sounds—a cross
between a "hmmmm" and a "mmmph" whenever she's perturbed, perplexed,
what have you…and she's not cognizant of it! Also, she's quite concerned
with aesthetics, so much so in fact, that new fonts and powerpoint
templates tickle her! Ah, my goodness, and her love affair with
tortilla chips… Shi Min's quirks are indeed endearing..

Although I know I have given Shi Min a lot of grief and I have been,
at times, "troublesome" (poking her toes, tidying her side, gawking at
her food), I hope she, scratch that, you, Shi Min, know it was all
done in good fun. You've been a great sport…dealing with my repeated
attempts to indoctrinate you with the best of American expressions
(ehem, ehem), my desire to talk at length after the lights are out and
we've already said "wan an," and my need to test the limits of your
kindness (think back to the commitments you've made (jk), my funeral,
pushing me in a wheel chair, being a godmother to my adopted Chinese

Now with the semester coming to a close, I'd like to put to use some
of the phrases you've taught me---

Woe ai knee, Emu….Knee ai woe ma?

And in closing, I would like to let you know that I think you have a
really good heart, and you need not worry, I will store it safely in
my back pack…. <3

Oh, and just one last thing, I like big butts…. =)

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