Friday, March 03, 2006

i just shamelessly tried to persuade Courtney to visit me one last time within the next couple of months, cos it recently struck me how i'm gonna be leaving here for good in about 3 months' time... =( in a way it's certainly not as bad for me as for some ppl, since i only have like 3 good American friends here i'll really miss... and i dun even get to see them all that often... and not that i don't want to go home, but i really can't imagine what it will be like. in past 4 years, i've never been home for more than 2.5 months continuously and i dunno, the uncertainty and fear that i'll never be allowed out of the country for an extended period of time again also deeply worries me...and i'm gonna start WORK! i can't be AS and whole day do my own thing anymore haha... oh well. shouldn't be doing all this premature worrying =P i've got more 'immediate' things to worry bout...


Anonymous said...

i want to tell you sagely that it's about time you start psyching yourself up for "last times" and saying goodbye to people and places, but that's too sobering. i also want to say that maybe at the end of your thesis, you'll be so relieved to be graduating, but same thing probably can't be said for the lifestyle that you'll be leaving behind, but that's a depressing thought.
so i'll just say that the life you're coming back to start can be good too. what's more, you'll have 18 days of leave per year to get out of the country. hehe. =)
- rpd

Anonymous said...

3 good friends is better than 30 acquaintances.

Mints. said...

rpd: haha that's an encouraging thought. and from what i've read on your blog so far, it does seem possible! with exceptions occasionally...?

zy: true; i used to wonder why i dun hav many American 'friends' but i'm now really content with the 3 good ones i do have.