Saturday, October 14, 2006

this evening i checked out the latest mall in town, Vivocity, together with maybe 50% of all Singaporeans, who flocked there to cou4 re4 nao4... it actually opened last weekend if i'm not wrong, but the attention-grabbing-of-late stores, like GAP, only opened late yesterday... and though i'm not like a die-hard GAP fan or anything, i did feel like checking that out, too :P sadly, it's rather pricey and selection didn't seem that great. and though being in the shop itself (eg. atmosphere, general deco etc) did give me some kinda deja vu; having to jostle with tonnes of other Singaporeans certainly made the overall experience very 'local'... On the whole, shops at Vivocity did appear to veer towards the more high-end ones... wonder if the crowds would still continue to pour in after the initial hype is gone? but now there's another mall with ZARA :P unfortunately i'm still too poor to afford the expensive but pretty clothes there. hai. and now that i have to 'make my own living'... realize that zhuan4 qian2 bu4 rong2 yi4..... :P


Leann said...

my view on life is clothes don,t make the person so don,t be taken in by the brand names they aren,t worth any more then the others they just cost comes from inside out.I have seen beatiful people dressed in lovely clothes that I wouldn,t even want to be around cause they are snobbs or so stuck on themselves its scarry.stay sweet mints and go by your heart.God bless you have a nice day.

Mints. said...

i know that but thanks for the reminder! i really don't go for branded goods; sometimes they can look REALLY ugly too. i go for things that look good and are worth the money. happens that ZARA has nice things i like (but of course ugly things too :P) anyway, can you tell me more about yourself? eg. which US state are you from, how old are you, are you working or studying etc... :)

Leann said...

old married lady with 4 grandkids and two daughters,two son in laws.Iam a artist,writer,love to cook,do crafts,travel,and live in the northern part of the midwest near the border of canada.sorry can,t tell you any more.there are people out there who aren,t the kind you want to know where you not you but others.too many weid things going on in this world for me.please be careful how much info you give about your self to.I am 56 and my grandkids are 16,12, 13,10.have a good day and God bless you.tell me more about you.

Mints. said...

nice to meet you Leann! i'm slightly less than half your age and started my first full time job some 3 months ago :) despite the age difference we appear to have some common interests, eg. art, crafts, writing and travel! have a good day too :)